Common Lawn Disease During Summer

Jun 29, 2020 | General, Lawn Diseases

Heading in summer in Atlanta, we are heading into the season for common lawn diseases. One of the most common lawn diseases is Dollar Spot Fungus. How do you know if your lawn has Dollar Spot Fungus? It’s pretty easy to identify and fairly easy to control, as well! 

Identifying Disease in Your Lawn

Dollar spot fungus appears just as it sounds. It’s a cosmetic lawn disease that appears in small circles, about the size of a silver dollar. With straw-colored circles sprinkled through your green lawn, it’s definitely an eyesore. 

dollar spot, all turf lawn care, lawn disease treatment atlanta

What Causes Dollar Spot Fungus 

Two main factors that increase dollar spot activity are temperature and moisture. Dollar spot fungus is very common during spring and early summer, as it is influenced by temperatures. This lawn fungus begins in the spring when temperatures exceed 50 degrees. The fungus remains active through early summer until temperatures consistently exceed 90 degrees. Additionally, extended periods of moisture in your lawn can encourage this lawn disease. Heavy dews that often form during cool nights of spring and summer are conducive to the disease. 

Home Remedies for Lawn Disease

When dealing with Dollar Spot fungus on your lawn, there are a few things you do to alleviate it. Proper irrigation timing is crucial. When watering the lawn, make sure to do so in the early morning hours between midnight and 6 AM. This will allow more dry time with sunlight and decrease periods of leaf wetness. 

If dollar spot is active in your lawn, bag your clippings when mowing the lawn. This will reduce the disease spreading through your lawn. Excessive thatch can encourage dollar spot activity. Remove excess thatch by vertical mowing or power raking. 

Severe Cases of Dollar Spot Fungus 

If the dollar spot continues to persist, you may need professional care. At All Turf, our primary goal is to make sure your lawn has the necessary nutrients. Our first plan of action is to apply nitrogen fertilizer to encourage quick recovery in the plants. For more severe cases, a fungicide application may be needed. Luckily, our monthly lawn care program includes curative fungicide treatment for no extra cost, which can save you money in the long run. 

All-in-all, dollar spot is a cosmetic fungus that is not damaging for your lawn. But it can definitely hang around and hinder the color of your lawn during the season it matters most. Keeping your lawn green and weed-free through summer is no problem with All Turf Lawn Care. Contact us today to see how we can help you turn your Atlanta lawn into the green lawn you’ve always dreamed of.

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