Lawn Fungus Alert: Brown Patch

Nov 23, 2020 | General, Lawn Diseases

All grass types are susceptible to lawn fungus throughout the year. Some diseases are more common than others but the best way to handle fungus in your lawn is through prevention and quick action. During spring and fall, brown patch fungus is common in warm-season grasses due to the humidity here in Georgia. But what can you do if your lush, Atlanta lawn falls victim to brown patch fungus? Let’s cover it!

What Causes Brown Patch?

Brown Patch or Large Patch is a serious fungal disease that can develop in Fescue, Zoysia, St. Augustine, and Centipede grasses. The disease typically develops when daytime temperatures are above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and nighttime temperatures are above 60 degrees. High humidity, as well as extended periods of foliar wetness (rainfall is a major factor), also encourage this lawn fungus. Brown Patch is most prevalent during early spring and mid-late fall.

How to Identify Brown Patch in Your Lawn

Symptoms of large patch and brown patch diseases can vary depending on the type of grass. The disease usually causes thin areas of light brown grass that are circular in shape. These areas range in size from a few inches to several feet. Fescue grass will have tan spots and dark brown lesions while Zoysia, Centipede, and St. Augustine, will develop tan/orange lesions.

Lawn Fungus Treatment

Fungus in your lawn should be treated with a curative fungicide for the best results in getting rid of brown patch in your lawn. A curative fungicide is used to stop the fungus, but will not reverse the damage. To better protect your lawn in the future from damaging lawn diseases, preventative fungicides can be applied. Preventative fungicide can lessen the chances that a disease forms in your lawn.

Preventing Lawn Diseases

Additionally, making changes to cultural practices on your lawn can help keep fungus at bay. A homeowner can assess areas of the lawn that may be more vulnerable to fungal diseases. This includes areas of bad drainage and standing water, excessive thatch, or too much shade. It is recommended to irrigate earlier in the day to limit the hours of leaf wetness which can also help prevent a disease from forming. Annual core aeration and proper mowing height for your turf type are always recommended for optimal lawn health. 


If you continually have issues with Brown Patch in your turf, All Turf Lawn Care provides a preventative fungicide program to help stop the fungus from forming. This is an additional fee and these applications are done before spring, during spring, before fall, and during fall. With our all-inclusive monthly lawn care program, curative fungicides are included at no additional cost. These fungicides do not stop the fungus from forming but are more of a reactive response to an already existing fungus. For our non-monthly customers, fungicides can be purchased, as needed, at any time of the year, whether preventive or curative. Contact us today to get a quote for lawn treatment services near you

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