Summer Lawn Care Tips: Prepping Your Lawn

Apr 14, 2020 | Lawn Care Tips

As the peak growing season for many Atlanta lawns, Summer Lawn Care is so important. Summer nights, BBQs, and sunny afternoons are some of our favorite things about summer and a green lawn tends to be the backdrop for many of our summer memories. With summer right around the corner here in the greater Atlanta area, there are a couple of key things to get your lawn ready for that Georgia heat. 

Steps to Preparing Your Lawn for Summer:

    1. Scalping your lawn: By the end of March, it is a great idea to scalp and bag your warm-season turf. Removing excess thatch is a very beneficial practice to help your lawn come out of dormancy. 
    2. Alternate Mowing Direction: Changing your mowing direction keeps your lawn from growing directionally and avoids mowing tracks from your machine.
    3. Always mow with sharp blades:  For a typical homeowner, every couple of months the blade will need to be sharpened, or perhaps once a month if you mow more than once a week. 
    4. Mowing Height: For warm-season turf (Bermuda/Zoysia), it is best to mow every 5-7 days to maintain a height of 2- 2.5 inches with a rotary mower during the growing season. During the Summer, it is best to let Fescue lawns grow higher than normal, around 3.5-4 inches
    5. Watering: All lawns grow best with at least 1 inch of water per week. If using irrigation, heavy watering once per week is ideal.  Short watering cycles do not allow the water to soak deeply into the root system.
  • Core Aeration: The best time for aeration is during the growing season when the grass can heal and fill in any open areas after soil plugs are removed. All Turf offers aeration services beginning in May for Bermuda and Zoysia lawns.  Core aeration loosens compacted soil and increases the availability of water and nutrients. Aeration is one of the most beneficial Summer Lawn Care practices you can do for your lawn. 


At All Turf Lawn Care not only do we offer advanced lawn care solutions for the greater Atlanta area, but we also offer Lawn Care Programs to give your lawn the attention it needs at key parts during the Summer season. Contact us today for a free estimate. 

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