A Yard Pile to Keep

Jan 26, 2015 | Lawn Care Tips

Lawns have long been a point of pride for many homeowners. All Turf Lawn Care knows this is true, because we have helped many of our customer’s grow their ideal lawns. A common trait in homeowners who love their yards as much as they love their homes can typically be seen in the amount of time they spend outside trying to fix little things here and there; clearing leaves, picking up stray branches, etc. However, sometimes it is good for your yard, and garden, to have a yard pile. Not just any yard pile though, a compost yard pile!

Creating your compost yard pile:


Find an area in your backyard that is 3 feet wide by 3 feet long, probably out of the way of your backyard traffic (away from grilling area, swing set, pool, play area, etc.). Next collect “brown” materials such as dead flowers, leaves, straw or even shredded newspaper, to be your carbon-rich ingredients. Then gather your “green” ingredients: grass clippings, vegetable peelings, fruit rinds (but not too many fruit rinds because of acidity) or animal manure. Never ever use manure from carnivores, even cats or dogs. The green items are your nitrogen-rich materials. Using some garden soil in your mix is also recommended.


Compost piles work best when you stack them at a 3 brown to 1 green ratio. Begin with a layer of pine straw or another of your coarser brown ingredients (3×3 area). Then add another few inches of green items. Next, add a small layer of soil, then top with more brown stuff and moisten with water. Continue building until your pile is about three feet high (if not it’s okay).


You should ‘turn’ your pile every few weeks. Simply use a shovel to move the middle of the pile to the outside and vice versa. The weather can affect how fast your compost will “cook.” In the wintertime, many experts suggest covering your pile with a spare tarp, carpet or anything that will insult your pile from too much rain or cold, while still allowing it air to breathe. It is also important to keep your pile moist, not water-logged. If you see earthworms digging around in your compost you are on the right track! When you are left with rich, black soil, your compost is ready to use in the garden.


Composting is a great way to reuse some of your refuse and lawn trimmings. For more information about lawn health, maintenance, or ideas, please contact All Turf Lawn Care.

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