What is a Lawn Roller and Tips for Your Sod Lawn

Jan 20, 2020 | General, Lawn Care Tips

What is a Lawn Roller?

There are many different benefits and uses for a lawn roller on your property. Whether you need to repair an area, enhance your seeding or lay sod, you can find use in a lawn roller. A lawn roller is a piece of equipment that looks similar to steam rollers that can be pushed and pulled across the lawn. There are different types of lawn rollers, such as manual rollers that you can push yourself or larger units that are connected to a tractor. You can also rent lawn rollers at hardware stores if you need to use them sparingly throughout the year. For established lawns, it’s best to take precautions when using a lawn roller. Excessive use can result in compaction and decrease aeration which can end up damaging your lawn in the long run. 

Installing New Sod

One of the most common uses of a lawn roller is for installing new sod on a lawn. Before you lay sod, the roller can be used to smooth out the soil to make sure all areas are level. Once the sod is laid, the lawn roller is used to go over the sod in making sure to release air pockets and the roots are in contact with the soil. 

Lawn Care for New Sod

Following basic tips for new sod will make the process much easier. New sod must always be handled with care as it is a new grass in a very juvenile state! Watering new sod is the most important step in proper care because water is the life source for the new turfgrass. Starter fertilizers higher in phosphorous can be applied to the sod but no weed control can be applied until the sod is fully rooted. The first mow can normally be done about 14-21 after installation depending on the time of year the sod was installed. It’s recommended to stay off of the new sod until after the first mow. 

If you are looking to add new sod to your property or want to ensure your new lawn is receiving everything it needs to thrive, contact us at All Turf Lawn Care. We work with many different installation landscapers in the greater Atlanta area and would be happy to send you a referral. We can also provide a quote to get your new sod started off right with one of our lawn care programs.

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